Friday, March 14, 2008


Last week the sentiment was "what a week". This week could also qualify as "what a week" but with daily doses of asprin and pepto. I will be back in a day or so explaining why this was such a turbulent market week. For this weekend, I really want you to clear the mechanism. And I really do mean it this time. I will be up to the same tomfoolery this weekend as last. Tonight is curling (and the wife has brought some new recruits) with a possible visit to the public house afterward, with a definite 12 years old waiting in the wings. If you got your ass handed to you this week, shake it off and prepare for more of the same next week. I'll be back with more.


Mr T said...

I had a GREAT week

Colabella said...

I'm sure you did if you are up to your elbows in condors and butterfly spreads.